What makes Solution F vibrate ?
Solution F finds its roots in car racing and always kept in its genes this culture of challenge well in place. In car sports Solution F continues to expand its car racing range, nowadays the company is developing a new car, the TC17, which will take part into endurance GT championships.
Historically, a few examples made its mark on the automobile industry notably in the field of hybridation where Solution F registered a certain number of patents on small urban and suburban vehicules. These patents under the code name Twin-E have drawn the attention of a great numbers of constructors.
Concerning automobile sports, Solution F has quickly become the french specialist of the cost/benefit relationship in various fields going from the single seater to the rally racing. At the moment all of our teams are working on the development of a low-cost hybridation racing vehicule, using principles which have been used successfully the last few years in Le Mans by famous sports brands.
What is Solution F’s secret ?
The well kept recipe of Solution F consists in reducing cycle time between the idea and the final demonstrator.
In order to reach the best results, Solution F cultivates multidisciplinarity integrating most qualified jobs internally going from studies to conception, simulation, manufacturing and final test before delivery.
A whole history since 1985 !
Solution F was created in 1985 by Eric Chantriaux who was by then a Citroën VISA 4 wheel drive private pilot.
From 1987 till 1992, thanks to the vehicule exceptional performances developped on a CITROEN bas, the brand’s racing department entrusts him the development of the whole racing part on VISA. Solution F then takes un new turn and diversifies itself by going towards new constructors like RENAULT, PEUGEOT and NISSAN.
By investing into new facilities, Solution F has set up more performing equipment means, particularly in the engine sector, in order to adapt to constant technical evolutions and therefore become one of the leaders in the automotive engineering.
Solution F is one of the very few companies able to produce a car from conception to industrialization ; it is one of the brand’s major strenghts. Solution F has also wished to broaden its horizons by specializing into future technologies, particularly into hybride and electric propulsion systems.
At the moment, Solution F sets new technical standards by realizing a new low-cost hybride racing car.
Encouraging growing prospects which allow the brand to invest imposing itself into the technological race.

Eric CHANTRIAUX, Founder

Paul CHANTRIAUX, Chief Executive

Hugues BAUDE, Technical Director